Education and
Early Years (T Level)
What is Education and Early Years T level?
The Education and Early Years T Level is a two-year course for 16-19 year olds who want a career working with kids in education or childcare. It’s a hands-on alternative to A-Levels that gives you the skills and knowledge you need to get started in the real world. Whether you're thinking about becoming a teaching assistant, working in a nursery, or supporting children in school, this T Level has you covered! You'll learn both in the classroom and through work placements, so you get the best of both worlds—practical experience and academic know-how.
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What will I learn?
All students will develop an understanding of:
understanding the Education and Early Years sector from ages 0 to 19
child development
how to support children and young people’s education
safeguarding, health and safety and wellbeing
understanding and managing behaviour
observing and assessing children and young people
equality and diversity
special educational needs and disability
English as an additional language
working with parents, carers and wider families
working with agencies and services that support children, families and carers
reflective practice and other forms of professional development
How will I be assessed?
Core Assessment: Externally Set Test – Paper 1 and Paper 2 are both graded A*- E
Employer Set Project: Externally assessed project work is graded A*- E
Industry Placement: Evidence log to show completion of hours required and evidence of development of technical skills and application of knowledge in a workplace environment.
Entry requirements
Five 9 to 4 grades at GCSE including in GCSE English Language and Grade 5 in Mathematics.
Where can Education and Early Years T Level take me?
This course is suitable for anyone wanting a career in early years education, childcare or assisting teaching. Students can progress into roles such as:
Nursery Worker
Teaching Assistant
Learning Mentor
Special Education needs teaching assistant
Portage home visitor
Students can also use this T Level to do a related higher-level apprenticeship or degree course.