Watch our Subject Taster Video for Maths A Level and AS Level
What will I learn?
To develop your skills of reasoning and deduction.
To pay attention to detail and work methodically.
How to break down complex problems into small, manageable steps.
Pure maths: Coordinate Geometry and Calculus, using trigonometric identities to solve problems and introduces the use of Logarithms, and series, numerical methods
Statistics: Probability and data presentation and interpretation, sampling and distributions and hypothesis testing
Mechanics: Quantities and units in Mechanics, Kinematics, forces and Newton’s Laws of motion and moments.
How will I be assessed?
100% examination (three 2-hour exams)
Entry requirements
Grade 7 in GCSE Maths
Further reading and watching
Where can Maths A level take me?
It provides a firm foundation for all scientific, technical, engineering and mathematical careers and a flying start for many other types of career, such as those in finance, medicine, agriculture … etc. The list is endless!
Maths is regularly the most popular A Level - which is unsurprising given that, on average, people with a maths A Level earn 11% more than those without!