Religion, Philosophy and Ethics (A Level)
What is Religion, Philosophy and Ethics A level?
Religion, Philosophy and Ethics asks significant questions about the nature of God, the world and society. In Religion, Philosophy and Ethics A Level you will learn about the philosophy of religion, how different theories respond to key relevant ethical questions and address different theological approaches to religion and society. If you enjoy contributing to discussions about complex topics, reading and synthesising information from a number of sources and arguing key ideas in essays then Religion, Philosophy and Ethics would be a great A Level choice for you.
Exam Board: OCR
What’s Religion, Philosophy & Ethics A level like?
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What will I learn?
Philosophy of Religion - Ancient philosophical
influences, arguments for God’s existence, the
Problem of Evil, self, death and the afterlife, miracles.
Ethics - ethical theories, ethical issues, such as
euthanasia, business ethics, sexual ethics, ethical
language, conscience.
A study of Christianity - including: nature of God, the person of Jesus, liberation theology and Marx, feminist theology.
How will I be assessed?
100% examination – three 2-hour exams
Entry requirements
Grade 6 or above in English Language or Literature and another Humanities subject
Where can Religion, Philosophy & Ethics A level take me?
With Religion, Philosophy & Ethics A Level you could go on to study a wide range of degrees, in particular politics, history, law, sociology, philosophy, ethics, religion and theology, medicine,education and media.The combination of logical critical thinking and big picture dreaming means that students are equipped for a variety of technical and creative roles. Popular routes include law, journalism, social services, and governmental positions.This A Level is also highly regarded by employers within these industries.
Further reading and watching
Humanism: A Beginner’s Guide (Beginner’s Guides) Cave; Philosophy of Religion:The Big Questions, Stump and Murray; Reason and Religious Belief, Peterson, Hasker, Reichenbach and Basinger;The Puzzle of God,Vardy -The God Delusion, Dawkins;The Greatest Show on Earth:The Evidence for Evolution, Dawkins; An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion (3rd edition), Davies;The Miracle of Theism, Mackie;The Evolution of the Soul Revised Edition, Swinburne